Year 5-6
Ancient Civilisations!
Year 5/6 have had another amazing Theme Week! We were very lucky to visit the Ashmolean museum in Oxford, make our own clay tablets using saltdough and cuneiform, spend time outside and use what we'd learnt to create our own Ancient Civilisation' on 'Minecraft'! What an epic week; some of the children still haven't stopped talking about it!
Circuit Cards
We have linked together our DT and Science learning to create 'light up' cards. Some of us created Christmas cards and some of use created cards to welcome home visitors that we were having over the holidays. We had to really persevere to make them light up and use our knowledge of conductors and 'positives and negatives' to problem solve. Well done, everyone.
Reading Buddies!
This half term we have had our first meeting with our Year 4 'Reading Buddies'. We had a great time getting to know them and sharing our stories with one another. Even the teachers got involved, look carefully and you'll spot Miss Churcher. We can't wait to see them again soon!
Mission Residential 23-24: Complete!
We have had another fantastic Year at Runway's End. Many fears were faced, many songs were sung and many faces were smiling (well all of them to be precise!)
Visiting Artist!
Year 5/6 have been very lucky to have a visiting artist this half term. Whilst we were completing our 'Voice of the People' unit and looking at Banksy and how they spread messages, Beth Timbrell came to help us create our own stencils that we could use in our pieces. These pieces of art have then been used in an Art Evening exhibition at school and 'word on the street' is that some of these will also be displayed in our local library for our community to see too! Thank you, Beth!
Year 6 Residential Trip to Runway's End
We had such a great time on our residential trip. We did lots of activities such as canoeing, caving and climbing. We all showed all of our school value; belonging by taking care of eachother and encouraging ourselves, aspiration by pushing ourselves when we found something challenging and lots and lots of courage. Our teachers are so proud of us - just look at their smiley faces! :)
Reading in Year 5/6
Miss Leonard is in the process of creating a 'Reading Passport' for everyone at Hamble, so she thought she'd ask for some of our ideas.
Theme Week 1 (2022-2023 - 'America del Sur' Geography with a focus on the Amazon Basin.
We have begun our 2022-2023 school year with our fantastic 'America del Sur' Geography Theme all about the Amazon basin. This theme has allowed us to revisit our knowledge of rivers and build on our school knowledge thread of 'Life on a River'. We began by revisiting our previous rivers knowledge and latitude and longitude which involved a 'Battleships' style game in the hall and drawing the latitude and longitude on balloons that represented the world! We looked at biomes and how these link to the Amazon basin, created our own rainforest flipbooks and created and researched our own hypotheses. We even managed to use our sketching art from our 'Class Swap' days for our front covers. Of course, some worked looked different in Year 5 to Year 6 but we all did a brilliant job. We were also really lucky to have our parents in for a Theme Outcome and our teachers made sure that they knew exactly what to ask us. What a week!