Fundamental British Values
Fundamental British Values
The General Election
The week of the General Election seemed the perfect week to explore the theme of 'Democracy'. What does the word Democracy mean? Where did the word come from? What does it mean to live in a democratic country? These were just some of the questions that were explored though assemblies over the week.
Some of our governors came in to talk about the role of governors in school, another governor came In on election day to talk about what actually happens when people go to vote.
The Curriculum at Hamble Primary School
Our curriculum is based on our four aims, which in turn are built on the UNCRC and Oxfam's definition of a Global Citizen. We try to ensure that each them has a 'moral' or questioning element to it, as well as an exploration of cultural wherever possible. This is sometimes explored though a text being read to support and English theme, or could be by exploring the similarities and differences of another county - for example exploring modern Egypt whilst learning about ancient times, or using a range of story books to explore a traditional story theme.
Assemblies follow themes to fit in with specific events and celebrations over the year, as well as giving consideration to individual events that occur, such considering how a natural disaster might effect the rights of children living in that part of the world.
Pupil Voice
Pupil Voice is highly valued at Hamble Primary School. Though Class and School Council meetings, meetings of the Junior Leadership Team, Pupil Questionnaires and the encouragement of pupils to share their views and have their say, both in and out of the classroom. Our four school aims have one dedicated solely to pupil voice 'Communication', based on Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, this being 'When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinion taken into account'. This article is the basis of our wider communication aim, as part of our desire to develop children as effective communicators, confident to have their say, knowing that they will be respected and listen to.
The children vote for their class councillor and also the charity they wish to support over the year. They also vote for House Captains and the children in Year 5 and 6 are involved in selecting the Head Boy and Head Girl. Where possible children are involved when we interview for new staff and are involved in things such as behaviour 'rewards and sanctions' reviews.