Support for Families
At Hamble Primary School, we are committed to supporting our children and their families as a whole. The link to the Padlet below details a range of support information for parents covering a range of areas, from anxiety to online safety, toileting needs to attendance.
NHS Healthier Together
Henville Trust
The cost-of-living crisis means that no matter how hard they are working, many families are struggling to make ends meet, so when your child comes home from school with an opportunity to go on an outing or needs some special equipment, it can create an extra worry. But did you know, there's a fund in Hamble to which parents and students under the age of 25 can apply for a grant. The Henville Educational Foundation offers financial help towards the cost of books, equipment, educational visits, assistance with fees for training courses, special educational needs, and private tutoring. Sporting and musical activities may also be considered. All applications are treated in strictest confidence. For an application form, please contact or write to The Henville Trust, 24 New Road, Netley Abbey, SO32 5DL