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Hamble Primary School

Learning for Life


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Claire Hewitt (Headteacher). Mrs Josie Spooner (Asst. Head), Mr Oliver Precious (Asst. Head), Mrs Clare Wilding (School Business Manager) and Mrs Julia Foster (ELSA and Parent Link Worker) are her deputies.  All DSL staff have had the same training.


Should you have any worries or concerns regarding any of our children please ask at main reception to speak to Mrs Hewitt in the first instance or alternatively you can email requesting that Mrs Hewitt contacts you regarding a matter related to Safeguarding.


Our Chair of Governors is Mrs L Whitaker and the Safeguarding Governor is Mr C Clark.  If you wish to contact either of them, please do this via the main office.


Please note you can also contact Hampshire Children’s Services on 0300 555 1384 in office hours and 0300 555 1373 out of hours or by email



Operation Encompass

Online Safety


Help and information about staying safe online at home can be found under the 'Parents' tab on the top menu.


You can report harmful online content at or through CEOP at

Safeguarding in the Curriculum

Whilst the majority of Safeguarding education is done through our PDL curriculum which includes assemblies and our Computing curriculum, opportunities to include additional reference to safety and Safeguarding is made through links in other subjects as shown in the above document.