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Hamble Primary School

Learning for Life

Year 4

Year 4 - 2024/2025

Year 4 Shared Learning Outcome Presentation

🌳 Minstead Trip 🌳 Good morning from all of Zebras! We had another amazing sleep. All in bed and asleep before 9:30 with lots being woken up at 7am by the staff! Some very sleepy children. 💤 We have had breakfast and made our lunches before heading out for our activities of the morning.

🌳 Minstead trip 🌳 This afternoon has been really busy! 🐏👩‍🌾 The children have set some longworth traps this afternoon to see what we can find in the grounds, spotted a frog in a small pond, helped the gardening with some digging, moving, transporting and depositing woodchip mix to the compost heap along with feeding the sheep. 🧑‍🌾🐑 Some great courage demonstrated by lots of the children!

🌳Minstead trip 🌳 Day 2 in the Zebras Minstead house... We have been on a 3 mile hike this morning, taking a look around the wonderous New Forest. Morning quotes: ‘I want to live at Minstead’ ♥️ ‘Tiring but fantastic’ ‘This bog is really deep’ ‘I love the mud. It’s squelchy’ 🛖 ‘I hurt. I’m exhausted. Actually this is very good’ 😂 ‘Is the troll real?’ 🧌

🌳 Minstead 🌳 Successful night. All children were in bed and asleep by 10:15 last night! Early morning wake up at 6am though. Time for some breakfast after a bit of chill time 😃

🌳 Minstead trip 🌳 A great day has been had by all. We have been on a treasure hunt, stream dipping, made our own lunches and now going down for dinner. Quotes of how today has been... ‘The best day of my life’ ‘It’s extraordinary’ ‘A very good beginning’

🌳Minstead trip 🌳 Zebras have all arrived safely at Minstead. Beds made and belongings sorted out. Ready for an amazing visit! 😀

Writing in the woods!

Year 4 2022-2023

Theme week!


We had so much fun learning about biomes. It was brilliant to learn new vocabulary and be able to use it in every aspect of our new learning.










Times Table Rock Stars!


We are so impressed with the effort that the children in Year 4 are making with their times tables. Have a look at these impressive heatmaps to see how Turtles and Penguins are doing.


Art - Anglo-Saxon Jewellery