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Hamble Primary School

Learning for Life


Welcome to the section of our website where you can find out more about the school's governors and the role we play in school life.


Our main role is to support the Headteacher and staff. We work with them to set and reach school improvement targets and to strive for excellence for all of our children within all aspects of school life.


Our duties include:

* setting the strategic direction of the school, through policies and school improvement objectives

* approving the school budget

* reviewing and evaluating progress against the school's budget and the School Improvement Priorities

* appointing, challenging and supporting the Headteacher


As well as meeting on a monthly basis as a Whole Governing Body, there are also several committees who meet as and when require, these include:


The Finance Working Party, who meet with the School Business Manager on a regular basis to oversee the financial performance of the school, reporting to the fully governing body.


There is a Headteacher's Performance Management Committee, who meet with the Headteacher and an external advisor across the year, to review the Headteacher's performance.


A Pay Committee meet with the Headteacher to review the performance of all other staff and to put forward the pay recommendations to the full governing body.


The Governing Body welcomes parental contributions at any time and can be contacted through the office email account. If you would like to speak privately to the Chair of Governors (Mrs Lynn Whitaker) you are able to use this method to request that she make contact with you. Letters addressed to the Chair of Governors can also be passed on through the main school office.

Governing Body Details